Finding joy in the time of COVID: Chicken Pot Pie


I ask you, is there anything more comforting, indeed, more delightful than pie?   

There is a new “pie place” in town. This restaurant up serves pies, and only pies, both sweet and savory. So, for our weekly carryout venture I suggested we order Chicken Pot Pie. Oh, my goodness. The filling was hot and creamy and filled with all the right balance of chicken and vegetables. But, if I’m honest, that is sort of beside the point. The point, of course, is the crust. All the usual describers apply here: flaky, buttery, and just plain melt-in-your mouth delicious.

We barely spoke as we dug into our individual pot pies, which we had promised we would only eat half of, saving the rest for tomorrow’s lunch. It was not to be. The pies were devoured, and we sat back with our stomachs full, wishing there was more.

So, this week’s COVID delight was Chicken Pot Pie, done just right.

 As I write this, my husband is in the kitchen preparing the Thanksgiving pies – one apple and one pumpkin. As in, one pie for each person living at this house.

Chicken, pumpkin, apple, or French Silk. You can never have too much pie. What a delight.