The world’s most beautiful smile.
It seems to happen more often now in this time of COVID: suddenly meeting up with people you have not seen in a very long while. Most of us have been cooped up for a year and a few months – some of us even longer. So, it is indeed a delight to see faces from my pre-COVID past.
Last week at dance class, another MAJOR delight which I’ll write about next week, I saw a friend, Margie, whom I have not seen since March 2019. After we did our very brief COVID hug, Margie said, “You know, there have been many times when I saw someone who I thought was you. But then they weren’t smiling, so I knew right away it wasn’t.” I was stunned, and certainly very delighted to hear this. That someone associates me with smiling. I mean, how delightful is that?
Many years ago, we were having the bathrooms in our house remodeled. I was on bedrest for four months, yes, four months, waiting for our precious son, David, to arrive. I got to know the contractors really well. After all, they had a captive audience in me, and I pride myself on being a good listener. The lead contractor, Dave, was just the nicest guy. He was interesting and caring and funny. I really just loved him. We became good friends, not in a go-out-and-have-a-beer kind of way, more of a gee-I-hope-this-contracting-job-never-ends kind of way.
One time, Dave and I were talking on the phone and he said, “You know, I can just hear the smile in your voice.” That happened almost 30 years ago, and I still remember it, and still carry it in my heart. That someone notices my smile when they see me and even when they hear me.
So, today’s delight is a smile. My smile, other people’s smiles, and the power we have to notice our smiles, even behind these doggone masks.
P.S. – This week two women came up to me and told me how much they love my blog – that they are so thrilled when I put up a new post. I had no idea these two read my blog – of course, how would I? So, thanks to them for the compliment. It keeps me enthusiastically typing away. And don’t forget to spread joy to others by telling them how much you appreciate and love what they do.