Finding JOY: Showing off



Why not show off if you've got something to show? - January Jones

“He sure is fun to show off, isn’t he?” So says my daughter, referring to her son, our grandson, Jameson. And of course, she is right.

Our friend, Diane, had come to visit us this last week in Sioux Falls. I made sure to have “The World’s Cutest Toddler” at our house when she arrived, so that we could spend a few hours with him – meaning of course that we were showing him off!

Jameson did not disappoint. All cuteness. Holding Diane’s hand as they crossed the street. Accepting all affection. Asking her to read him a book. All the heartwarming “aww” moments we could have wished for. I’m sure Diane was thinking, “No wonder they moved here.” We do of course wonder that ourselves sometimes – leaving a home of 43 years has not always been easy. But then we spend an afternoon with “The World’s Cutest Toddler”, and we remember why.

These past two weeks we in fact hosted two sets of visitors: my friend, and also my sister and her husband. This brought me great JOY for a few reasons.

First, it meant we had to clean our house. The act of cleaning certainly does not bring any joy whatsoever, but the end result is a delight. You all know what I mean.

My second source of delight was spending time with family and friends. People whom I know and love. People who know me! The lack of close relationships has been pretty challenging in this new town. I know it will take time and I am willing to wait, but yikes, it was refreshing to not have to introduce myself… again.

The last delight: showing off. I got to show off “The Worlds’ Cutest Toddler”, of course, but I also got to show off some pretty delightful things about our new hometown.

We took Diane to see “Falls Park”, with its beautiful waterfalls cascading over red Sioux Quartzite. We walked around the local college campus. We strolled along the downtown street with its unique stores and restaurants and the Sculpture Walk, ending our day with a fantastic meal at a local restaurant.

A few days earlier, my sister and her husband had visited. The things which they find delightful are a bit quirky, and usually found way off the beaten path. And they love the outdoors. This meant a trip to the “Iowa, Minnesota and South Dakota Tristate Marker” (yes, it’s where the three states come together). We drove to Devil’s Gulch, where Jesse James is said to have evaded capture by spurring his horse to leap a 20-foot ravine (I don’t think so!). We enjoyed a picnic in a state park and a walk around the arboretum. It was exhausting doing it all in a day, but I must admit, I was proud that we have all those cool places nearby. Just as I was proud to show Diane downtown and the Falls. And of course, there was the pride in showing off my darling grandson. He performed well for both my sister and friend.

So, this week’s JOY: Showing off my new city. The beauty of the city, as well as the beauty of its nearby natural features. And of course, our reason for being here, Jameson. We always want to show him off.

So, I think that means that in some way we are adopting this new place – calling it our own. Feeling a little free to show it off. That possibility gives me great joy.