Finding JOY: Back at my desk


This has been a year of change. Boy, is that an understatement. In the past 12 months I have sold a house, moved away from everything and everyone I loved, and plopped myself down into the unknown land called Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Along with unpacking – (who knew one couple could own so much stuff?), selling or giving away such stuff, buying more stuff to replace the sold stuff, finding a new church, activities, volunteer work…well the list goes on. Then health problems surfaced. A kind of “pre-breast cancer”, COVID, loss of hearing, and hearing aids. I plan to have all of this stuff behind me by this summer, so I can enjoy this glorious season in my new home. 

All of this is to say that my beloved blog has fallen by the wayside. I do manage to write once a month, but I am hoping with some kind of a “regular” life, I can do more.  

I’ve finally gotten the “subscribe” button on my website,, worked out, so you’ll be able to scroll down, click the button, subscribe, and you’ll get notification that a new post is there. Some of you may already be getting this feature, others not. And of course, if you don’t subscribe, you can read the posts on Facebook or just by checking out my website once in a while. 

The posts I write are meant to be humorous, serious, or poignant views of everyday life. And although the stories are indeed about ME, I do try to find topics that many of my readers can relate to, or at least topics they find interesting or funny. All of them are looking for JOY in our sometimes troubling lives. 

So, please continue to read, subscribe, and comment. I love to know that I am touching my readers’ lives in some special way.