Day 18: JOY in a home cooked meal ...



I know I said in a previous post that there is nothing so comforting as a pair of warm wool socks. I take it back. The ultimate comfort? Homemade macaroni and cheese. And just as getting a pair of wool socks generates much JOY, so does a big plate of mac and cheese, and I am not talking about the Kraft variety. 

Today I cooked up four batches. One for our family’s holiday meal, another small gluten-free one for my daughter, another for my son, and another for my sister and niece. (But don’t tell them!) On Christmas Eve I will present this super-delicious casserole to my loved ones. They love it. I love it. 

Truly the ultimate comfort food. And what JOY I feel making it for them, and what JOY they will feel eating it!