Joy in the Time of COVID: Bomb Pop


This past weekend presented an abundance of delights. First, another weekend camping trip. This qualifies as a major delight. Cooking and eating outside, sitting around the campfire - all delights. Sleeping in the camper while it is pouring rain outside, a very cozy delight indeed.

The next day we woke up to a beautiful, sunny, sweltering, sauna of a day. We went on a bike ride, which was a delight, except for the fact that I felt as if we were riding through a steam bath. I was sweating from every pore, the kind of sweat that runs down into your eyes, obscuring your view. When we got off our bikes halfway, my husband, John, told me it looked like I had wet my pants – indeed, they were soaked through with sweat. 

Toward the end of our trek, John said he was going to pedal into town to get a newspaper – another delight for the two of us, by the way. We love reading the newspaper. I told him I was done riding, I needed to sit in the shade and try to stop sweating, so he went ahead. He returned, proclaiming, “I come bearing gifts”. He pulled out the newspaper, a bottle of cold iced tea, and two Bomb Pops. Good Lord, I love this man. In case you’ve forgotten this treat from your childhood, Bomb Pops are huge popsicles in three colors, each color being a different flavor. They are delicious and they are cold. Never mind the sticky blue juice running down my forearm. My God, these were refreshing.

So, this week’s delight: a frozen Bomb Pop on a hot summer day. Ain’t nothing better.