Joy in the time of COVID: wildlife - part 2: Bears and bloody pawprints


Last week I wrote of coyotes and hawks. This week, more evidence of wildlife: a bloody pawprint. How do I know it’s bloody? Because it did not wash off in the torrential downpour that we had a few nights ago (another delight for me, by the way). It remains on the stone walkway in our back yard.  

I don’t know what critter left it, I’m thinking probably a racoon, but the permanence of the stain is what sticks with me, reminding me that these critters are indeed wild. My 4-year-old next door neighbor, Jordy, who has the most glorious imagination I’ve ever witnessed, told me with some authority that the coyotes “had a meeting” on his rooftop last night. And I believe it – these guys are planning their next move. “Hey guys, let’s be a little bit more careful out there – no more leaving evidence of bloody pawprints.” 

Then – believe it or not, and I am having trouble believing it, a black bear sighting! Just as my neighbor predicted last week! In the CITY of St. Paul! The first sighting I heard about was near the campus of one of our local, very local colleges. Then I heard about a sighting in downtown St Paul

See it for yourself: Click to see black bear in downtown St. Paul.

This week’s delight continues to be wildlife in the city. All watched from a safe distance.