Finding joy in the time of COVID: a schedule


Last week I wrote about having all the time in the world, and how I was learning to accept that, and perhaps learn some lessons regarding the value, or perhaps the lack of value, of being constantly busy.

Still, one needs a little order to their days. At least I do.

Those who know me, know that there is nothing I love in the world more than a calendar. I have a wall calendar, a desk calendar, and a calendar on my phone. When the kids were little, I bought a huge wall calendar every year, aptly named “The Monster Calendar”. No pretty picture here, just great big squares waiting to be filled. This year, I tried to go with a beautiful landscape calendar. It was not to be. The squares were just too little and uninviting, even though it only contains my schedule (and sometimes John’s, if he remembers to put in his appointments, which he often doesn’t, darn it). I just had to buy a 2020 Monster Calendar.

As you might imagine, my Monster Calendar is empty, really empty, reflecting my somewhat empty days.

So, since I can’t fill my calendar, I decided to do the next best thing: create a weekly schedule… and stick to it. Here it is: Monday I call my mother, Tuesday, another phone call to a loved one, Wednesday I write, Thursday, grocery shop, Friday, pay bills. Every day, well, many days, I take a walk and do some kind of exercise (those darned abs). Sprinkled in are a few to-do tasks, like organize my cleaning supplies or order another puzzle from eBay. 

It ain’t much, but it does give me some structure, perhaps a feeling of control over my day.

So, this week’s delight is a schedule. A paltry schedule, but still one that helps me get through my days with some sense of purpose. I’m waiting for that time when I can happily fill in the squares on my beloved Monster Calendar.