Finding Joy in the Time of Covid: Getting Smarter on my couch


This quarantine is making me a smarter person. Well, at least I’d like to think so. Maybe not smarter, perhaps more well informed.  So far this week, I have watched lectures about Benjamin Franklin and Leonardo DaVinci. In the last few weeks, I have attended lectures on America’s five greatest films, American immigration, the future of restaurants, and the art of aging. Today’s topic: Shakespeare. All from the comfort of my home. 

To add to my storehouse of knowledge, I’ve watched an online lecture by a local professor about the Presidential election, a series of weekly lectures by another local university, and participated in a book club in which we actually discuss the book (rather than just gab and drink wine – not that there is anything wrong with that.). Last night I watched a movie from Bhutan (with subtitles!!)

The annual “Minneapolis St. Paul International Film Festival” is taking place right now. Every year, my husband, John, and I try to go to at least one of the films. Yes, they are “films”, not merely “movies”. As with everything Covid, the festival has been cancelled. Lucky for us, they moved it online. So far, we have watched a film about the I-35 W bridge collapse and a film about a remote village in Bhutan. Tonight, we plan to watch a mystery from Japan.  

And every single day at 3:00 I watch a lecture by One Day University. For a mere $8/month, one can watch a live lecture online.  Pre-Covid, John and I attended these lectures when we could. But frankly, it is so much nicer to attend these on my couch instead of driving and looking for a coveted parking spot.

My delight this week, for many weeks, is the internet, and all that is available for idle minds. So, today’s post is not so much about humor or insight. Rather, it is more a public service. 

If you haven’t already, start taking advantage of online lectures and films. I’ve posted some links below to help you out. And don’t forget to check out your local universities.  

All this online stuff might just make you a smarter person. Certainly, more informed, and a lot less bored. 

Here are some links: 

One Day University 

Minneapolis St Paul International Film Festival (I don’t know if these films are available outside the Twin Cities area). 

Virtual Cinema at the Riverview Theater