Finding JOY in the middle of The fear


“Please brag to all of your friends from now into eternity about being a Moth GrandSLAM storyteller!” – so says the producer of the storytelling event held last week at the Pantages Theater in Minneapolis. So, I am bragging. I told a story in front of hundreds of people, and it was as terrifying as it sounds. Actually, the act of telling the story was not that scary. Once I started, the story kind of went on automatic pilot. It was the hours leading up to the telling that were agonizing.

We ten story tellers were told to arrive at 5:30 P.M. for a “sound check” which all sounds very official, but actually consists of walking up to the mic, saying a few sentences, and then one guy in the back of the auditorium yelling, “Sounds good” and another guy in the back of the stage yelling, “Sounds good”, and then it’s over – leaving me and my anxiety with hours to fill until showtime. I spent part of that time walking around downtown Minneapolis. I took pictures of the new Prince mural, and pictures of Candyland and Dayton’s department store to send to my daughter for a walk down memory lane (remember the 8th floor Christmas show?) 

I ate some dinner, and walked some more. 

Finally, I took my place amongst my fellow storytellers in the second row of the theater. We were one big collection of Nervous Nellies. Some of the storytellers were very experienced performers, but even they seemed anxious! 

I made a new friend, Mary, whom I was sitting next to in our designated row. We bonded over nerves and “I’ve never done this before.” Mary reminded me to enjoy the process, which was great advice, although I was too nervous to do it.

My story went very well. I was proud of it. And yes, I am glad I did it, and yes, I would do it again, and yes, I am so glad it is over so I can stop worrying about it. 

Now that it’s over, there is a definitely a feeling of, “Now what?” Maybe that was the peak experience of my life. Maybe not. 

When I get a recording of the performance, I’ll be sure to share it. In the meantime, thanks for your support!


Note: We’re off to see the World’s Cutest Baby and then on to the Black Hills! So don’t expect to hear from me for a few weeks. Enjoy these hot summer days!