Finding JOY...and terror


Is it possible to feel JOY and absolute terror at the same time? Well, it must be, because that’s exactly where I’m at!

A few years ago, I won first place in a StorySLAM event put on by the National Public Radio program, “The Moth”. The StorySLAM involves getting up on stage and telling a 5-minute story around a certain theme. I told a story about me and Taylor Swift. Then, a few years later, that story was featured on the radio! It was quite an honor, and really a little overwhelming. In a good way. 

Now “The Moth” is sponsoring a GrandSLAM Championship. Winners of the last ten storySLAMS are invited to compete in this event. So, that is what I’ll be doing on Wednesday night, June 8, at 8:00 PM. I am telling you the time and date so that you can set your clocks– I’ll be needing prayers at that hour.

I never expected to be doing this in my life, getting up on stage in front of a lot of people, telling a story. And while it is a great honor to be participating in this event, it is downright terrifying. Did I mention it is in a theater, a HUGE theater? People are paying money to see this!

I made the mistake of reading the “bios” of fellow participants. I am but a small peon among greats. Yet, I persist! 

So this week’s JOY: the opportunity to tell a story to an audience. Along with a prayer that I’ll survive the terror I feel.

I’ll let you know how it went next week. Here’s hoping (and praying) it will be a tale of JOY!

By the way, if you’d like to see ten great storytellers, including lil ole me, buy your ticket today! Otherwise, I’ll be expecting lots of good prayers that evening.