Finding Joy in the Time of COVID: My doggone hair




My husband, John, asks, “Is that sweat?!” referring to my wet mop of hair. No, although it is hot and humid today, even I don’t sweat that much. The reality is my hair is wet because I did not bother to dry it. Drying hair seems to indicate some type of styling is going on, and I have officially given up styling my hair. What’s the point? It’s a mess either way.

Like all things Covid, I know we are all in this together, unless of course you live in Wisconsin, like my son does, or South Dakota, as my daughter does, because they do not have Covid there and are allowed to visit their hair stylists. At least that’s what their state leaders tell them. My daughter texts, “Never had I ever been excited to live in South Dakota until now…”, and she has the nerve to send a stunningly beautiful picture. 

These days of long hair have elicited various reactions. My dad and I Skyped the other day. We both gasped at each other’s mop. He said, “I have never in my life had hair this long.” Which is a long life at 92 years. Then he adds, “You know, I don’t care anymore.” After all these stylist-free days, it’s something he has gotten used to.

I call my elderly friend, Lorraine, to check up on her. The first thing she asks is, “Can you get me to a place for a haircut?” No talk of her health, no, first things first. She is desperate for a cut, curl, and color.

One of my friends, Tori, says she is going to start putting her hair into pigtails. I am not quite there yet. 

John tells me this quarantine has given him the idea that he might let his grow longer. That is, until someone on Facebook told him he looked like Larry David (you know, the guy who plays Bernie Sanders on Saturday Night Live). He does. 

Then there is my dog, Dodger. He has no say in the matter, and really could care less. Wouldn’t you know he would be the first one in the family that was allowed a haircut? I was thrilled even if he wasn’t. And I know it is simply not right to be jealous of a dog.

But here is today’s real delight: I have curly hair! I knew I had wavy hair, but this is a huge surprise! Maybe it’s always been this curly, and I didn’t know. Or maybe it’s all post-menopausal. In any case, I have a whole new head of hair! So, in my free time, (what else do I have but free time?) I’ve been googling stylists who know how to cut curly hair. Who woulda thunk?

So, I guess I’ll keep growing it and see what happens next. Not that I have a choice. But June 1 is right around the corner.
